Computer Services
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Lower Rates!!

We will  do any computer related services

for a new, flat fee of  $30 per job

listed below is a chart of the old rates

Computer set up

We will setup your computer to maximize its full potential.

$30.00 per system

Computer Repair

We will repair/upgrade your computer on location.

$20.00 per hour

Get on the internet!

We will setup your computer to let you get on the internet. (internet service not provided in the package.)

$10.00 flat rate

Digital photos

Will take digital photos of your choice. The subject must be legal though.

$20.00 per hour

Photo Scanning

Copy photos, documents etc etc into digital media.

$10.00 setup fee

DVD burning.

Will burn/write pictures, videos, data, etc etc onto a  DVD

$10.00 per DVD

Web page editing

Will edit or alter your existing website. Add, change or delete anything including graphics and text.
